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Class: Images-File Handling
How to Read: Property/Method(Parameter As Type, ...) As ReturnValue
Filename() As String
       Purpose:  Return File Name

FileIndex() As Integer
       Purpose:  Return current File Index

FileCount() As Integer
       Purpose:  Return File Count after calling SearchFiles()

FileEnd() As Boolean
       Purpose:  Used with SearchFiles() and NextFile()

SearchFiles(PictureFilePath As String, ContactID As String) As Boolean
       Purpose:  Return a list of Filenames for given Contact ID in the name
     Requires:  Complete Path; Contact ID
       Returns:  True - successful; False - error or no files found

NextFile() As Boolean

FilenameByIndex(Index As Integer) As Boolean
       Purpose:  Return File Name for a given Index after calling SearchFiles()
     Requires:  Index - number between 1 and FileCount()

MoveImage(FromFilePath As String, ToFilePath As String) As Boolean
       Purpose:  Move or Rename a file
     Requires:  Complete 'From' Path\Filename; Complete 'To' Path\Filename
       Returns:  True - successful; False - error

DeleteFile(PictureFilePath As String, Filename As String) As Boolean
       Purpose:  Remove Image File from file system
     Requires:  Complete Path; Full Filename (i.e., 980001A.jpg)
       Returns:  True - successful; False - error

DeleteVirtualFiles(VirtualFilePath As String, MLSNumber As String) As Boolean
       Purpose:  Remove Virtual Image Files from file system
     Requires:  Complete Virtual Path; MLS Number
       Returns:  True - successful; False - error

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