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Class: Contact
How to Read: Property/Method(Parameter As Type, ...) As ReturnValue
General Properties
ErrorMsg() As String
       Purpose:  Return Error Message if a method failed or no records were found

ContactID() As Long
       Purpose:  Return Contact ID

ContactID(ID As Long)
       Purpose:  Set Contact ID to update a specific record

Username() As String
       Purpose:  Return EmailAddress as Username

Username(EmailAddress As String)
       Purpose:  Set EmailAddress as Username for record update

Password() As String
       Purpose:  Return User Password

Password(UserPassword As String)
       Purpose:  Set User Password for record update

DisplayName() As String
       Purpose:  Return Display Name

DisplayName(NameForDisplay As String)
       Purpose:  Set Display Name for record update

ContactIndex() As Integer
       Purpose:  Return current Contact Index

ContactCount() As Integer
       Purpose:  Return Contact Count after calling GetContacts()

ContactEnd() As Boolean
       Purpose:  Used with GetContacts() and NextContact()

General Methods
GetContacts() As Boolean
       Purpose:  Return all Contact DB records
                        Use ContactByindex() to retrieve records by Index [ 1 to ContactCount() ]
     Requires:  (String) Contact ID Number
       Returns:  True - successful; False - error or no records were found

NextContact() As Boolean
       Purpose:  Return data for next contact found

ContactByIndex(Index As Integer) As Boolean
       Purpose:  Return Contact data for a given Index after calling GetContacts()
     Requires:  Index - number between 1 and ContactCount()
       Returns:  True - successful; False - error

GetContactByID(ContactID As Long) As Boolean
       Purpose:  Search DB for record that contains Contact ID Number in 'cont_id' field
     Requires:  (Long) Contact ID Number
       Returns:  True - successful; False - error or no records were found

GetContactByUsername(EmailAddress As String) As Boolean
       Purpose:  Search DB for record that contains EmailAddress in 'username' field
     Requires:  (String) valid Email Address
       Returns:  True - successful; False - error or no records were found

ValidateUser(EmailAddress As String, Password As String) As Boolean
       Purpose:  Search DB for record that contains EmailAddress in 'username' field
     Requires:  (String) valid Email Address
       Returns:  True - successful; False - error or no records were found

UpdateContactDB() As Boolean
       Purpose:  Update DB record for given ID -
                        Set values using the Contact properties (ContactID, Username, ...)
                        Use ContactID(0) to Add a record to the DB
                        Use ContactID(ID) to Update a record by ID
       Returns:  True - successful; False - error

DeleteContact(PictureFilePath As String, ContactID As String) As Boolean
       Purpose:  Delete Contact record from database and remove all Image references
     Requires:  Conact ID
       Returns:  True - successful; False - error

       Purpose:  Reset all Contact variables

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